Robotics enters schoolbooks

Laboratori di Robotica con Cobotta. Da un Collaborative Robot ai Robot industriali” is the book written by Fabrizio Cerri, professor at the Albert Einstein Institute in Vimercate (MB) in collaboration with KLAIN Robotics Educational and published by Hoepli. The text proposes a learning path of robotics through a series of practical sheets, related to the DENSO collaborative robot, the Cobotta, and its software suite.

Practical factsheets

This rich set of practical factsheets follows the doctrine of learning by doing, the practical and active didactics that promotes learning with engaging and expendable activities in the world of work. This provides students with both a knowledge of the basics of robotics and a vision of its many applications. In this way a practical laboratory approach to knowledge is offered, with the opportunity to learn through the simulation of the robot and its operating environment, and the programming of its operating sequences.

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