Industry 4.0 in real time

The manufacturing company Rold, in collaboration with Samsung, developed SmartFab, a ready-to-use suite capable to connect human beings, machines and information in order to allow for the broader access to Industry 4.0 at restrained costs. By joining technology and “usability”, the system makes it possible to digitalize new as well as old-fashioned machines to make data available anywhere and for anyone, due to the use of the most widespread smart devices, to which it is capable to connect.
SmartFab is a system that relies on these popular devices and keeps high levels of data property and security. Smart Signal touch displays are installed along production lines to control and analyze the most relevant information, thus making data immediately available.
Also the offices are connected remotely via touch displays for global monitoring of production plants by the management. Moreover, mobile devices allow users to access directly to alarms, visualize in real time error codes as well as possible issues or rather promptly react to possible urgencies and remain constantly interconnected.

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