Omron’s photoelectric sensors reduce false detection
To help manufacturers manage all the production’s needs, Omron Industrial Automation offers its photoelectric sensors E3AS Series. These sensors combine accurate detection for diverse targets, optimal sensing distance, environmental robustness, and compact size. The E3AS family’s sensing distance of 1,500 mm is five times longer than that of previous models, and the full sensing range of 50mm to 1,500mm eliminates the need for manufacturers to select different sensors for each application.
Stable detection always assured thanks to TOF method
Manufacturers are producing a broader range of products with shorter life cycles, making part detection a dynamic challenge. By maintaining stable detection without being influenced by varying sensing distances, colors, materials, or surfaces, E3AS sensors make selection, adjustment, and maintenance tasks easier, improving commissioning and operation rates. The time-of-flight (TOF) detection method ensures high detection stability easy. In addition, the use an antifouling coating on the sensing surface reduces false detection and minimizes maintenance needs in environments with oil, dust, or steam.