Angular sensors
Stem has been supplying magnetic sensors and functional safety security systems since 1987 and has been continuously updating its product lines according to the evolution of technologies and the industrial market. Thanks to the continuous cooperation with customers the KSA angle sensors family was born.
Stem sensors detects the absolute angular position of a rotating shaft. Fast data acquisition and processing provide accurate angular measurements at high speeds. These sensors can reach a resolution of up to 12 bits with ½ degree accuracy and they are available with different outputs types, as follows: KSA01PW: PWM digital output (24V open-collector); KSA01SS: SSI digital output (5V line-drive); KSA01IO: digital output on IO-link bus; KSA02AC: analogue current output (4-20mA); KSA02AV: analogue voltage output (0-10V).
All the sensors mentioned above have an input to configure the zero position and the angle increase direction.
The IO-link version can also be configured remotely, and it can transmit useful information for predictive maintenance such as temperature or the configurable limit positions. The analog version is available with different angular excursions (100°, 180°, 360°) in order to maximize the dynamic of the sensor output according to the desired angular excursion.