An Eco-system for the Entire Mechatronic Technology Chain

On September 12th, the first FEDERTEC assembly was held in Bologna where the new president, Fausto Villa, was appointed together with the other directive members. The goals are already clear: innovation, training, international scope and marketing to strengthen image at home and abroad… as further associations await to be welcomed into the fold.

by Silvia Crespi

On the 12th of September, in the prestigious surroundings of Palazzo Re Enzo in Piazza del Nettuno, Bologna, the first FEDERTEC assembly took place, the federation which came into being on March 20th with the merger of ASSIOT and ASSOFLUID.
FEDERTEC’s goal, as amply stated in previous editions, is to represent the entire mechatronic technology sector in the best way possible. The payoff “Technology and know-how for automation and control of industrial products and processes” which dovetails into the global aim: to be effective in an increasingly inter-disciplinary scenario.
Marco Bocciolone, interim president over the year of the FEDERTEC set up, underlined the importance of the occasion before moving on to the order of the day, which foresaw, as priority number one, the approval of the FEDERTEC rules of procedure, followed by the election of directive positions during the assembly.
The new team is to be headed up by Fausto Villa, Market Advisor of the Camozzi group, already with robust associative experience behind him. In 2018, Villa returned to the ASSOFLUID board, after a period of absence, actively taking part in the path leading to the birth of FEDERTEC. During his inauguration speech, Villa declared: “I have always believed in the FEDERTEC project; if you like, it was a dream I had always harbored. My presidency will be in line with what has been achieved so far, while also introducing innovative ideas thanks to the new range of services we will be offering our members. The goal being to make companies proud to be part of FEDERTEC and grow together”.
Villa also spoke of an ‘Epochal change’ and a ‘New culture’ in the association to stay ahead of the digitalization, systems and processes curves. “Our goal – he said – is to provide members, above all the smaller organizations, with the tools they need to face business challenges”.
Let’s take a look at the overall make-up of the newly elected team: The Vice Presidents are Fausto Carboni, Group Chief Executive Officer at Bonfiglioli Riduttori SpA, with portfolio for mechatronic technology integration; Paolo Marzocchi, President of Marzocchi Pumps SpA, with portfolio for networking; Lucio Moriggi, President and General Manager at SMC Italy SpA, with portfolio for business, control and association organization and Fabrizio Sasdelli, CEO of CIMA SpA in charge of industrial policy.

Strengthening brand identity is a key priority
Much remains to be done to achieve this goal and the operational phase will begin immediately.
Innovation, training and international vision will be the watch words – gaining visibility abroad as well as at home. “The FEDERTEC image and brand will be greatly strengthened through the use of all channels available to us – Villa confirmed”. Bringing other associations into the family will be another goal in order to continue expanding the reach of the mechatronic technology sector. The Presidents of ASSOFLUID and ASSIOT, Domenico Di Monte and Assunta Galbiati took to the stage after him.
Di Monte looked back on the steps that led to the creation of FEDERTEC : “Today is an important day in the splendid setting of Palazzo Re Enzo, a perfect choice to get this new epoch off on the right foot. He declared. This is no mere sum of the two previously existing associations, but rather the creation of a model which will be the blueprint for the future of associations. An “eco-system” – this is the term we have chosen – that will unite technology and skills across the board to give our sector an increasingly solid and credible voice. It is both a challenge and added value at the same time”. Assunta Galbiati then said: “I have been following this project from its inception.
It has been a tough journey, but a worthwhile one. I am convinced that FEDERTEC is now both home to an impressive number of members, and has the financial clout to support those members in the best way possible.
The assembly finished with data for the past year and forecasts for 2019.
Federtec 2019’s turnover forecasts, based on data from the first half of the year, continue to show growth. However, these figures will have to be supplemented in line with market developments in the rest of the year, meaning caution is advisable for 2020.

The FEDERTEC ecosystem value
Following the assembly, the public session was opened, with an interesting round table discussion chaired by Luigi Serio, economics and business management professor at Università Cattolica of Milan. Among those present, as well as the new FEDERTEC president, there was the illustrious support of Giuseppe Lesce, President of FEDERMACCHINE.
Lesce underlined the value of the FEDERTEC “product”, with 5 years of growth behind it and export values going up too. “However, as always, the future is more difficult to predict – he confirmed – There are warning signs on the horizon, and here, unfortunately, I have to look US policy, Chinese competition, the Russian political context, Germany in possible recession, to mention just a handful of potential problems”. Lesce hoped for better synergy across associations in order to face such critical aspects, with the FEDERTEC model being the one to follow. Companies, of course, have to do their part, being as active as possible in association life with their needs being promptly communicated. Cristiano Valtolina, partner of BIZUP CONSULTING, stated that an ecosystem can be considered successful when it begins to create value. This means companies must have a shared vision, also learning to share data not only to lower time required in learning curves but also to possess a complete mapping of the skills contained inside the ecosystem. Enabling digital know how is a stiff challenge but an essential one. Financial assistance for companies to move toward this goal is key. Marco Belletti, of AZIMUT LIBERA IMPRESA spoke about transforming the banking system and the rise of new financial systems and tools, ones completely different from those of the traditional banking model, able to give companies the breathing space they need. Managed savings funds being one good example. Let’s wrap up with the words of Fausto Villa: “The FEDERTEC eco-system cannot be thrown together. It must be carefully built with everyone involved in it making their contribution”. Finally, Giulio Siniscalco, Edenred Sales Director, was asked to take stock of the cultural attitude in terms of developing relationships and spreading skills within companies from the perspective of those who provide services in corporate welfare.