Much More than a Standard
By launching EVOX, Bonfiglioli introduces a new geared motor platform that sets an innovative approach. The presentation took place during the virtual press conference on September 23rd, during which CEO Fausto Carboni commented some of the facts and figures that distinguished the company’s 2019, including the start-up of the new EVOlution gearmotor plant (EVO) based in Bologna.
On September 23rd Bonfiglioli organized a virtual press conference for the launch of two new state-of-the-art product lines. One of these is the new EVOX flexible and modular motor and gearbox platform, the other is the AxiaVert premium frequency inverter series, which we will in the following issues. During the conference CEO Fausto Carboni recalled and commented some of the facts and figures that distinguished the company’s 2019, among which the start-up of the new EVOlution gearmotor plant (EVO) based in Bologna where the new geared motors are manufactured. The new production site consists of 2 merged plants and a complete layout, process and competence redesign, also thanks to a massive “injection” and integration of 4.0 technologies. Carboni also commented on Bonfiglioli’s 2019 results. Last year the company had the highest ever turnover, (+ 6.7%) and EBITDA at 11%, in line with the previous three years. Bonfiglioli’s reaction to the first dramatic signal of COVID-19 at the beginning of the year by focusing on the health and safety of its employees in all its sites. The pandemia had a heavy impact on the company’s economic performance; however, starting from August, revenues in all countries are recovering, with the wind business driving growth.
Improved modularity, reliability and efficiency
Efficiency, reliability, modularity and performance were the drivers behind the development of the EVOX geared motor platform. Thanks to an enhanced modularity concept, EVOX represents a step forward for Bonfiglioli’s product range, with solutions for a wide spectrum of applications. The uncompromised selection of commercial components, the broad use of gear grinding processes, and specific “low noise” gear design make EVOX a benchmark product in terms of reliability and efficiency. The first products of the EVOX geared motor platform are the new Helical In-Line Gearmotor CP combined with the new Asynchronous IE3/NEMA premium high efficiency electric motors. The synergies between these two new concepts create an efficient, strong, small and simple gearmotor ecosystem. The in-line gear units will be first released in 6 different sizes: 55, 100, 200, 335, 500, 650 Nm with motor power between 0.12 and 15 kW IE3. The EVOX Platform is characterized by a new simple and clean design, suitable for any application environment furtherly featured by optional C3/C4 surface protection or by ATEX rating (explosion proof protection). The EVOX CP gear unit is ideal also for higher precision demanding applications, thanks to the reduced backlash configuration available in the standard catalogue. EVOX CP also helps eliminate any customer experienced friction, thanks to an innovative lubrication concept that allows the gearmotor to be used in any mounting position, thus overcoming the need of changing oil level and oil plugs configuration. This will give customers the freedom and flexibility to use the product in any orientation. The geared motors will be available both in compact and IEC flanged versions, allowing customers to choose between a standardized motor and a dimensionally optimized configuration. BXN motor, the IEC standard, and MXN motor, the compact version, share most of the configuration and options, including dynamic brake, incremental and absolute encoders, thermal sensors and switches. The new standard motor terminal box is shaped with its 9 PIN connectors, for up to 8 different voltages at 50Hz or 60Hz power supply with a single winding, making it suitable for the EU, US, Indian and Australian market. Further 6 windings cover the rest of the world.
Available in both sensored and sensorless versions
Bonfiglioli research and development team designed the entire EVOX platform to enable condition monitoring and predictive maintenance, both sensored and sensorless. During the development of the EVOX CP gearmotor, a complete mathematical model relating thermal behaviours of the gearmotors to the electrical variables has been developed. This will enable effective sensorless condition monitoring and predictive maintenance directly managed by AxiaVert Inverters acting as an edge computer. In the near future, the EVOX Platform will include other product range extensions.